Level: Big project (University project)
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/JaumeAlbardaner/PAE_AR
Grade: A (9.0 out of 10)

What is "Wayer"?

Wayer is a fictional enterprise that was created by a group of three students (including me) which facilitates indoor navigation to its customers.

How does it work?

There are 3 steps that we follow:

  • 3D model generation
  • Model navigation and customization
  • App generation
1. 3D model generation:

Our customers asks for help easing navigation inside a specific building. Afterwards, either the blueprint of the building is provided or we generate one ourselves, even if it's not as detailed.

Afterwards, the blueprints are introduced into a 3D modelling program (in this project, SketchUp was used) and the scaled 3D model of the building is created.

2. Model navigation and customization:

The 3D model is introduced into the Unity game engine, inside of which we can generate the navigability map. In this step we exclude the zones the customer doesn't want their clients to wander to. We also set the points where users are expected to start their path, as well as all possible destinations.

Depending on the budget of the project, customizations are added. One that was introduced for the project's demo was excluding the use of stairs for handicapped users.

3. App generation:

Once the system has been created in Unity, it is then built into an app that can be installed into almost any Android devices (Android 7+, 99%). In these platform is where Google's ARCore libraries shine the brightest. In the videos attached below, one can view an initial prototype in action, where the 3D model can be seen, as well as another where the walls have been hidden.

Final presentation

I have left embedded in this section the final presentation (pitch) of our product in front of a jury external to the university. In said presentation, we begin with the most complete demonstration of our product.

PS: The pitch was performed in catalan.

Future work

If I were to keep working in this project, there is one imperative step to take: solve the problem with the drift. The ARCore library relies on data from the camera and the IMU to predict where the cellphone is. As the user moves around, there is an accumulation of error that will result in the user going through walls on the 3D model. The user will see this as the planner asking them to move through doors that aren't there (aka walls).

To solve this I will probably monitor the user's location uncertainty, and prompt them to recalibrate their position once uncertainty becomes too large. To recalibrate their position, they will move the cellphone around until it captures an object whose pose is known and static in world coordinates. From that information the inverse transform can be computed to know where the user is relative to the object, thus where they are in world frame.

Maybe the step can be performed dynamically on powerful phones, but may not work as well on smaller phones. Maybe if the camera's feedback can be transmitted without delay the computations can be performed on a separate machine.