Level: Medium project
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/JaumeAlbardaner/SFWIG/

What is "SFWIG"?

"SFWIG" stands for Safe For Work InstaGram. It's an app that modifies the HTML from the https://www.instagram.com webpage and removes all the elements that could lead to doom-scrolling. It allows the basic functions of viewing the posts of people you follow, chats and viewing your own profile.


To download the apk simply press on the following button:

Download APK


The first step and most important one to avoid doom-scrolling consists in displaying the "Following" Instagram page directly, rather than the "For you". The second one has constantly made me miss content from creators I'm following, only to show me memes of accounts I don't follow to catch my attention and begin the doom-scrolling.

Nonetheless, the access to a "chat" function has been mantained, as it is one of the vital points of Instagram: facilitating communication with people who may be far away.

Attached below is the side-to-side comparison between the original Instagram app and the customized SFWIG one for the "Home" and "Messages" layouts:

Image of the standard instagram home page
Image of the SFWIG home page
Image of the standard instagram home page
Image of the SFWIG home page


  • Dark mode: As the app is currently built, day mode is enforced. Even if the user changes its preferences on the app, once it is restarted, light mode is displayed again. As a dark mode user myself, I might try to allow a change to day mode.
  • Sponsored: Although between posts there are no "Sponsored" segments showing up, whilst viewing stories they do pop up. Since it's HTML, it should not be impossible to remove those in the same manner as all unnecessary elements were removed.
  • Back button: In some sections, it is required to use the phone's own "back" button to go back. Since the "back" button leads to the "For you" page when in the Messages menu (e.g.), it was removed to ensure SFW.
  • Story/posts: With the removal of the "back" button from the SFWIG home menu (it used to lead to "For you") no user can upload stories or posts. This could be solved by reintroducing the top bar without the "back" button only.